The Fragrant Flesh Is White Or Pink, And Extremely Juicy, Somewhat Like Watermelon...
Fruit is medium size, pear-shaped, variegated (white/green striped) outside when unripe, turning bright yellow...
Landolphia dulcis is a climbing shrub producing stout woody, perennial stems up to 10 metres long that attach...
Eta grows as a shrub in the savannah, but when growing in the forest becomes a huge climbing plant,...
The FIG is a large tenacious tree which bears a fragile, highly sweet fruit in the hot summer months....
The FIG is a large tenacious tree which bears a fragile, highly sweet fruit in the hot summer months...
The fig, or te'ena in Hebrew, is native to Israel and the Ancient Near East and is well known in...
There Are Two Varieties Ofsantol Fruit, Previously Considered Two Different Species, The Yellow Variety...
Inga edulis (eng. ice-cream-bean, joaquiniquil, Mex. cuaniquil, guama or guaba) is a fruit native to South America....
Rambutan trees are tropical species and thus need to be kept in a very warm environment The...
since the day the seeds were planted in Sri Lanka it has become an exclusive aspect of the Sri Lankan culture...
The rambutan (/ræm?bu?t?n/, taxonomic name: Nephelium lappaceum) is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family...
Rambutan is an important fruit tree of humid tropical Southeast Asia, traditionally cultivated especially...
rambutan trees can bear fruit twice annually, once in late fall and early winter, with a shorter season in late spring...
Platonia insignis also known as Bacuri fruit is considered to be one of the tastiest and healthiest among fruits...
The Tropical Apricot fruit plant has many of the attributes of both parents. It is also known as Dovyah's Hybrid...
Alibertia patinoi, commonly known as borojo , is a small (2-5m), dioecious tropical rainforest tree...
Monk fruit juice is an amazing twenty times sweeter than other fruit juices. The unique low-calorie ...
Salak fruit is a species of palm tree. It is a very short-stemmed palm, with leaves up to 6 metres (20 ft)...
The fruits grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown...